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Encentus Federal Credit Union was chartered on March 5, 1970, as St. John Employee’s Federal Credit Union.  At that time, our field of membership was limited to employees of St. John’s Hospital.  When we expanded our field of membership in 2009, we changed our name to Encentus FCU to reflect our broadened base.

What exactly is that base?  Our field of membership (a.k.a. our “base”) is a specific group of people who can join the credit union.  The actual wording of our field of membership is rather lengthy and in government-speak, but to summarize, it includes anyone working in the medical field in Oklahoma and immediate family members.  Our stated Vision is “to become the primary financial institution” of this group.

We have had three different main offices, including one in the basement of an office tower, before we finally built our beautiful facility at 1320 S Lewis Ave.  With this new facility, we offered our first drive-thru ATM and introduced Tulsa to our version of a financial institution lobby, which included teller pods instead of a standard teller line.  The teller pods open up our lobby to reflect the friendlier side of banking that only a credit union can offer.  We also reintroduced our drive thru, although this time we made two lanes and made it much more functional than what we had years ago.

Throughout our moves and membership changes, we have remained focused on one thing:  our members.  This focus is evident in our Board of Directors stated Values:

“Honesty, Integrity, Efficiency, Accuracy, Member and Employee Focus”

We believe by incorporating these values in our everyday work and planning, the result will be excellent member service.  And that developed into our Mission statement:

“To provide innovative, affordable financial service and expertise.”